New System Features

New System Features

If you’re curious about what’s new in X-CD — and what’s changed — you’re in the right place.

March 2022

Session Logistics Management 
From your program module you can now add, manage, and export session logistics information like Audio/Visual requirements and Food and Beverage needs.
An admin is able to create custom fields either on a room - or on specific sessions for creating their event BEO. 
Session Logistics

January 2022

Redesigned Mobile App
As in person conferences resume, we have released a brand new version of our conference mobile app! A sleek redesign makes our new mobile app not only more user friendly, sleek and intuitive for attendees, but it also makes browsing rich media like videos, posters, and live streams perfect for hybrid events. Our mobile app can essentially a mirrored version of your hybrid platform, but optimized for on site attendees.

Mobile App Gif

File Explorer
We have made managing your database files much easier with our new and improved file explorer. You can now create folders to organize all of your files and content and quickly access URLS of your content for future use.  

December 2021

Multi-Stage Review Module  Major Feature Release!

The new review module has been released, and will be rolled out to all clients moving forward. Functionality will be largely unchanged, but for more complex clients with comprehensive review processes, the new review module will allow for more advanced reviewer workflows. 

You can now run multiple, distinct review processes, or rounds of review within one submission module. This means you can run your standard abstract review with a group of reviewers, review questions, and final status assignments, while simultaneously running a separate disclosure review with different reviewers, questions and final statuses.  After this, papers or PPTs can be collected, and reviewed again.

You can create multiple review modules, within a single submission module with its own reviewers, review cycle, settings etc. This brings a very powerful new set of review potential to the platform, especially for large conferences, or those with complex data collection and review processes for multiple stages of speaker data collection. 

Updates to the Schedule Sessions screen
Room Notes and Capacity now appears in the Schedule Sessions Grid
Unscheduled sessions containing a single abstract will display the abstract submission ID number in brackets after the Title

Continuing Education Credits Import 

You can now import Credits & Evaluations for Sessions in bulk after your sessions and program are all created. 
Export a csv of conference sessions - apply credit information data to csv and import back to apply credit hours to sessions

November 2021

Global Speaker Disclosures 

Global speaker disclosures allow you to ask your speakers to submit their COIs and disclosures in one step. Often during their abstract submission, or after their abstracts are accepted. It can become cumbersome to have to collect speaker disclosures over and over for each conference, and sometimes even for each abstract a speaker submits, so we have created an advanced global disclosure management system to allow our clients to create a database of speaker disclosures which can be used across multiple events, even year over year.

Speakers are able to submit their disclosures, and indicate which disclosures are relevant to their abstracts, and keep them up to date as their financial relationships change with organizations over time.

Global Disclosures

ePoster Office Hours

Modifications to Poster Hall Office Hours view to sort posters by active office hour, and show active participants in office hour. This makes it easier to see where people are and makes video chatting easier from a high level as you can see several popular posters at a time, and join whichever one you want during the office hour.

Drag & Drop Session Scheduler

We’ve made it easier and more intuitive to schedule your sessions, adjust times, and drag and drop your sessions from different times and rooms with ease. Create sessions from accepted proposals and invited speakers. Manage those sessions individually, and schedule them into available time slots. Drag and drop sessions with ease into available days, times and rooms. When a session is dragged and dropped, or updated in any way, your online program, mobile app, printed program, and virtual platforms is immediately updated.

Session Builder

Closed Caption Speaker Editor

When a presenter records or uploads their pre recorded presentation video to their submission, X-CD can transcribe or closed caption the video file. Sometimes academic research content can contain specialized scientific words and jargon that the transcription service doesn't caption correctly. That's why we built a tool to allow your speakers to edit their transcription/closed caption text sentence by sentence to ensure 100% accuracy.

Login Link to Module in Complete Attendee Wizard

When creating your email template using the Complete Attendee Wizard, you can now include the [LoginLinkToModule] hotkey which will automatically log the incomplete attendee into their registrant shopping cart to complete their registration. 

September 2021

Login Link to Module in Complete Attendee Wizard

If you use X-CDs abstract payment collection tools, you can now create exemption rules to submitters from certain (pre defined) countries. If a submitter from one of the exempt countries submits an abstract, they will bypass the payment step, and will be able to submit their abstract with no fee.  

Virtual Badge Ribbon Logic - by Registration Type and Session Type

If you use X-CDs abstract payment collection tools, you can now create exemption rules to submitters from certain (pre defined) countries. If a submitter from one of the exempt countries submits an abstract, they will bypass the payment step, and will be able to submit their abstract with no fee.  

Merging Contacts
Updated Functionality: If the master account you are keeping does not have a pre-existing registration in the same registration module, then the merge will move the registration from the duplicate account over to the master account Click here to learn more

Forms Module Admin Email Notifications Click here to learn more

Public Program/Microsite Time Zones
Set how Program Times display to end users/attendees in the public program - Click here to learn more

Viewing Filters on List Fields Screens
Set viewing filters on the List Fields screen in the Forms, Attendee and Exhibitor modules - Click here to learn more

Custom Filters on Manage Submission Screen
Manage Submissions Screen now has custom filtering - Click here to learn more

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