Final Status Emails

Final Status Emails

How to Preview a Final Status Email before Sending?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Speaker Module
  3. Click Review button
    1. If using the Paper review, click Review Papers in the left side menu.
    2. If using the multi-review module, select from the Select Review Module dropdown list, the review module you wish to open
  4. Click Final Status in horizontal menu
  5. Select Preview Status
  6. Click See Email link beside an abstract final status to preview
    • Note: any [hotkey] items that have been embedded in the preview email will be inserted
  7. Refer to the next step: Sending the Final Status Notifications

How to Change the Reply-To Email Address for Final Status Emails?

The Final Status notification emails will be sent from the email address defined in the Speaker Module Settings in the Module Email address field.

To change the module email address, click here