How to Edit the System Submission Emails and Email Settings?

How to Edit the System Submission Emails and Email Settings?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Speakers Module
  3. Click Settings button
  4. Click Emails
  5. You may enable the setting for 'Auto-Email After Submission' to Yes if you wish for an email to be automatically sent to the Author after submitting their submission.
  6. Module Email Address = this is the default email address that will receive the replies when emails are sent from the Speaker module
  7. Support Ticket Email = by default support tickets will be sent to the Module Email address, insert an email address here if there is an alternate email address for support tickets to be sent to
  8. Email Name = the name that will appears as the 'From' on the emails sent out
  9. Abstract Submission Email Text is the email message that will be sent after an abstract has been submitted
  10. Co-Author Added Email Text is the email message that will be sent to co-authors after the primary author has added them
  11. Draft Email Content (Available if your system is using the submission Draft Mode function). This means that the user may save a draft of their submission prior to submitting the final submission. Any portion of the submission may be saved as a Draft. This is the confirmation email which is sent to the submitter.
  12. Email Administrator After Submission, if set to Yes will send an email to the Administrator (and emails in the Email Sent To field) for each submission.
  13. Email Administrator After updates to Submission, if set to Yes will send an email to the Administrator (and emails in the Email Sent To field) each time a submission is updated
  14. Click Update button to apply your changes

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