Manage a Company

Manage a Company

Finding the Companies

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Companies Module from the left-hand menu
  3. Click the row of the company you'd like to manage. 

Managing a Company

Please navigate to the company first
  1. The first page loaded is the company profile here you can add/update the company fields.
  2. Use the inner left-hand menu to load different pages for this company.
  3. Company Contacts

    1. Here you can Manage the primary contact, add new contacts, make/remove existing contacts as admin and manage their roles. 
    2. Changing Primary Contact

      1.  Below the name and contact information of the current primary contact, there is a dropdown. The drop-down will list all of your existing company contacts that can be used to replace the existing primary contact.
    3. Add New Staff

      1. Enter the last name of an existing contact and then click on the desired name from the drop-down area. Click Add Staff to add this person to this company.
      2. If the person is not currently a contact you must create one. 
        1. Click Create New Contact as Staff Member
        2. Complete the Contact Form
        3. Click Add New Contact as Staff
    4. All Company Staff

      1. Click Contact Info to update the staff member's contact profile
      2. Click Make Admin to make a staff member an admin of the company. 
        This will allow this user to log into the exhibitor site and update the company registration and profile. 
      3. Click Remove Admin to remove the staff member as admin. Please note you are required to have at least 1 admin per company
      4. Click Remove from Company to remove the contact from the company. This will not delete their profile from the system, just the connection of this staff member with this company. 
      5. Click Roles to manage the roles of this staff member. These roles are system-wide roles that need to be created in advance. 
  4. Conference Registration

    1. Click Conference Registration to view all the exhibitor registrations for this company
    2. Click Manage Registration
      This will load this company's exhibitor registration for this exhibitor conference.
    3. Click View Invoice
      This will load a modal with the company's invoice for this exhibitor conference.
    4. Click PDF
      This will download the exhibitors' PDF invoice for this exhibitor conference.
  5. Virtual Conference Resource

    1. View Existing Resources

      1. The page loaded will show the company's existing resources
    2. Reorder Resources

      1. Click the 3 lines on the left-side of the resource and drag it to the desired position to reorder it within the resource type. 
    3. Edit Resources

      1. Click the Pencil Icon on the right-side of the resource you want to edit.
      2.  Video and Links can update their Label and URL. Video URLs must be public YouTube or Vimeo links.
      3. PDFS Label's can be updated
      4. Click Update to save your updates
      5. Click Cancel to close the modal
      6. Click Delete to delete the resouce
    4. Add New Resources

      1. Click Add Resource
      2. Select the Type
      3. Add your Label
      4. Depending on the type upload the PDF or add the URL for the resource. 
      5. Click Update to save
    5. Other Resources

      1. Click Select Resource from the dropdown select a different resource to add/edit.
      2. Company Products - view this guide here.
      3. Raffle & Giveaways - view this guide here.
      4. Enhance Booth - view this guide here.
  6. Delete Company

    1. Clicking this will delete the company if possible. There may be registrations blocking the deletion
  7. Merging Companies

    1. Click Dashboard
    2. Click Companies Module in the left-side menu
    3. Locate and open the company profile you wish to retain
    4. Click Merge Company under the Menu section
    5. Select the duplicate Company from the existing list (If there is more than one duplicate company, repeat these steps for the other company)
    6. Click Merge Company button
      IMPORTANT NOTES: Once you perform the merge, it cannot be stopped or undone. There is no way to recover the company data to its previous state.
      If the duplicate company/companies have an existing invoice in the same module, you will need to cancel and delete the duplicate invoice if there are no payments. If there are payments associated with the duplicate company, submit a support ticket for assistance to move the invoice.
  8. Corporate Membership

    1. For more information about Corporate Membership, click HERE to refer to the Corporate Membership help section

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