What does the Exhibitor Financial Breakdown Show?

What does the Exhibitor Financial Breakdown Show?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Exhibitor Module

 Note: The Overview screen will display with two graphics showing a summary of Registration and Financials.

Financial Breakdown

  • Total Revenue for all invoice items inside the circle
  • Using your mouse, hover the cursor over:
    • Green = $ of Invoiced Payments Received
    • Red = $ of Invoiced and Payments Not Received
  • Click on the graphical image to show a summary of Finances where:
    • Gross Invoice Items = The sum of all invoice items selected or created for this event.
    • Invoice Discounts = The sum of all discounts in the system created against all invoice items.
    • Net Invoice Items = The net difference between all invoices and discounts.
    • Total Received Payments = The sum of all complete payments in the system.
    • Total Pending Payments = The sum of all payments which are in the system but not processed as complete.
    • Total Payments = The sum of all Total Received Payments & Total Pending Payments.
    • Click the X in the upper right hand corner to close this pop-up window

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