Submission Form Track Field

Submission Form Track Field

How to Check if a Submission Form has a Track Field defined?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Speakers Module
  3. Click Settings button
  4. Click Form Fields in the horizontal menu
  5. In the grid view - if a field appears with the word Track, then this is the field that is the Track Field. If no fields have this identifier, then the submission form does not have a Track field identified.

How to Define a Track Field on a Submission Form?

Note: You can only set a pre-existing field or add a track field to your submission form if no submissions have been collected.
Only one Track field can be defined. A track field will only allow the submitter to select ONE track. A track field does not support multiple tracks to be selected.
  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Speakers Module
  3. Click Settings button
  4. Click Form Fields in the horizontal menu
  5. Create the new field (it must be a radio or drop-down type field) or assign an existing field as a Track Field, edit the field
  6. Set Track Field = Yes

  7. Click Update Field button to save changes

Defining a secondary level of options based on a previous response

Use the below steps If you have a main topic field and want to define a further breakdown of topics or categories based on a selected response from the main topic field.
NOTE: It will be important to pre-determine if you want your Main Topic to be the track field or your Sub-Topic field to be your track field.
  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Speakers Module
  3. Click Settings button
  4. Click Form Fields in the horizontal menu
  5. Click Add New Field button, choose Radio or Drop Down as the field type and provide a Field Label e.g. Sub-topics
  6. Create the secondary options
  7. Click List Fields to return the screen containing all of the fields on the submission form
  8. Click Edit for the 'Main Topic' field
  9. Scroll down to the Field with Related Options and click in the field for a dropdown list of fields and select your field containing the secondary list, this should be displaying the sub-topic field created in step 5

  10. Click Update Field button
  11. Next, navigate to your the 'Main Topic' options and click the Edit button for one of the options
  12. Scroll down to If Selected, Show These Other "Related Fields Options" and select the applicable sub-topic options that you want to have appear under the edited main topic option

  13. Click Update Option button to save
  14. Repeat steps 11 to 13 for each 'Main Topic' option

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