Reviewer Sign-Up

Reviewer Sign-Up


The Reviewer Sign-up form allows you to define a form to solicit potential reviewers for your review process and then use the Assignment Wizard to assign reviewers to submissions. There are multiple ways to distribute the sing-up form. If you do not have a pre-set list of individuals whom you want to contact, the link to the form may be sent out via email or posted to a website or on the profile home page asking individual to voluntarily complete the form. If you have a pre-existing list of individuals and their corresponding email address, you would import those individuals and then email them through the system requesting that they complete the form. The Reviewer Sign-up module will allow an admin to manage the responses and non-respondents from the imported list.

When creating a Reviewer Sign-up Form, the intent is to match your reviewer's indicated expertise area to a either 1. a defined track field on the submission form, or 2. if not using a track field, then one or more specific responses on your submission form in order to use the Assignment Wizard to match your available reviewers to submissions for the review process.

To configure using the Reviewer Sign-up form, please contact X-CD, to ensure the reviewer sign-up form is set up properly to be used with your submission module. Ideally, the reviewer sign-up form should be configure prior to obtaining submissions in the system.

How to set-up the Reviewer Sign-Up form?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Speaker Module
  3. Click Review button, if you have more than review form created, select a review module from the dropdown list
  4. Click Reviewers in horizontal menu
  5. Select Reviewer Sign-Up
  6. Choose how you want the tracks to appear on the sign-up form i.e. as a checkbox field or as a dropdown field type

  7. If applicable, select from the Related Required Form dropdown, the associated Disclosure form from the forms module
  8. Click Create Reviewer Sign Up Form
    • This will create a simple Reviewer Sign-Up Form in the Forms module using the field identified on the submission form as the 'Track'
    • The Reviewer Sign-Up Overview screen will appear which will allow you to manage and track Reviewer sign-up invitations.

Where do I find the Reviewer Sign-Up Form?

NOTE: Do NOT edit or change the first 2 fields on the Reviewer Sign-up Form.

If you make any changes to the Reviewer Sign-Up form such as adding or changing fields, contact X-CD support to ensure the changes do not impact the development code used by the form. Some changes may impact how the form functions and may require additional development.

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Speaker Module
  3. Click Review button
  4. Click Reviewers in horizontal menu
  5. Select Reviewer Sign-Up
  6. Click on the word 'here' located in Full form management here on the screen
    • This will take you directly to the Form Submission Overview Screen in the Forms Module
    • Click Settings
    • Click Manage Form Fields
    • Click Preview Form to see the form

How to import reviewers into Reviewer Sign-Up?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Speaker Module
  3. Click Review button
  4. Click Reviewers in horizontal menu
  5. Select Reviewer Sign-Up
  6. Click Import Reviewers
  7. Download the template file to your computer, populate the file and return to this screen to upload.
    • Once the list is imported, the graphic will show the total imported; however this does not automatically invite the reviewers
    • To invite the reviewers, click Compose beside All Invited to compose a message and include the hotkey for [LoginLink]

How to send an invitation for Reviewer Sign-Up Form?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Speaker Module
  3. Click Review button
  4. Click Reviewers in horizontal menu
  5. Select Reviewer Sign-Up
  6. Click Compose beside All Invited
  7. Draft the email message, ensure to include the hotkey for [LoginLink] which will provide a unique login link to each person to the Reviewer Sign-Up Form.
    • If you wish to receive a preview of the message click the check box
  8. Click Send Email

Where do I find the URL to the Reviewer Sign-Up form?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Forms tab
  3. Locate and click on the Reviewer Invitation form
  4. Locate the Front-End Landing Page URL
    • This is the link to the Reviewer Sign-Up form which may be distributed by emailed and/or posted to a web page.

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