Lounges |
Once you enter the room, you will give your browser
access to your microphone and camera. If you have difficulty with this, please check out our troubleshooting guide. If you are on a VPN or have a firewall at your
institution, you may have trouble using our rooms. |
As a moderator, you have the ability to mute everyone. In the lower right-hand corner, you will find the feature there.
You can also share a video there, make your room full screen or check your audio and video settings. There are also three dots in the corner of each
photo square, and you can mute people individually. To share a PPT, or website, press the middle button
in the lower left-hand corner. |
When sharing your screen, select the screen you want
to share, or select a specific application window. The application must not be minimized for it to show
up in the list of options. If you can’t find the application, you can share
your whole screen – you just won’t be able to see everyone’s faces while you
are presenting. |
As a moderator, you can remove people from the networking lounge, mute them, or mute everyone else. To do this click on the three dots on their card and click the appropriate action. | |
This will be the message received by the user when they are removed from the meeting. This individual can still rejoin the meeting if they choose to do so. | |
If you choose to mute everyone, this will be the message everyone receives. | |
In addition to mute all, the moderator can start the lounge with some controls preset. Everyone can start muted, hidden and the moderator has the ability to spotlight themselves. If the moderator turns on this function, then if they click on someone, everyone will see that person, or if they click back to what they are screen sharing, everyone will see that. It overrides what the user is doing. |