My Session does not have presentation titles and is more like a discussion, how to add Panel Members/Speakers?

My Session does not have presentation titles and is more like a discussion, how to add Panel Members/Speakers?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Speakers Module
  3. Click Program button
  4. Click Sessions in horizontal menu
  5. If Chair type has not been created for this role:
    1. Select Session Chairs
    2. Click New Type button
    3. Enter the role of a Chair e.g. Panel Member
    4. Click Add Type button
    5. Click Sessions in horizontal menu
  6. Select Manage Session
  7. Click Manage button for the session to add the panel members/speakers
  8. Click Chairs button
  9. Click Add New button
  10. Enter the last name of the person, if a corresponding person appears, select the name
    • If there is no match, go to Add a Contact - click here
  11. For Chair Type, select the role entered in step 7 above e.g. Panel Member
  12. Click Add New button
  13. Repeat steps 13 to 16 until all of the individuals have been added 
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