Managing Credits - adding, removing, edit, assigning

Managing Credits - adding, removing, edit, assigning

How to manually add a participant?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Credit Management in left side menu
  3. If there is more than one conference, select the applicable Conference from the dropdown list
  4. Under the Menu section, select + Add Single Participant
  5. If the person exists as a contact in the system, 
    1. Select the corresponding Certificate Type
    2. Search for the existing contact
  6. If the individual is new and a walk-in, under Add New Contact section
    • At minimum you need to populate, Firstname, Lastname and email address
    1. Select the corresponding Certificate Type
    2. Complete the listed fields
  7. Click Add button

How to assign credits to all or individual Participants?


  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Credits Management in left side menu
  3. If there is more than one conference, select the applicable Conference from the dropdown list
  4. Click Manage Credits button
  5. In the pop-up window:
    • Certificate Type - select from the dropdown the type of certificate
    • Credit Amount - enter the total number of credits to allocate each individual
  6. Click Update button


  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Credits Management in left side menu
  3. If there is more than one conference, select the applicable Conference from the dropdown list
  4. Click Participants button
  5. Locate the name in the grid and click the check box beside the name of the participant
  6. Click Manage Credits
  7. In the pop-up window:
    • Certificate Type - select from the dropdown the type of certificate
    • Credit Amount - enter the total number of credits to allocate each individual
  8. Click Update button

How to remove a person as a participant for credits?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Credit Management in left side menu
  3. If there is more than one conference, select the applicable Conference from the dropdown list
  4. Select Contact Certificate from left side menu
  5. Search for the individual, then click on the row the name appears on
  6. Click the Credit Groups tab
  7. Toggle the Yes/No button to No for the related event/conference you do not want the person to be able to seek credits for.
  8. Repeat steps 5 to 7 for each participant whom you do not want to have access to credits.

How to manually edit a participant's credits for an evaluation?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Credit Management in left side menu
  3. If there is more than one conference, select the applicable Conference from the dropdown list
  4. Select Contact Certificate from left side menu
  5. Search for the individual, then click on the row the name appears on
  6. Click the Assign Credits tab
  7. Select the applicable Conference from the drop-down list
  8. Select the Certificate type
  9. You may manually assign the credits per evaluation

How to remove a Credit Type?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Credits Management in left side menu
  3. In Select Conference, pick the appropriate Conference from the dropdown list
  4. Click Certificates button
  5. Click Update beside the credit type to be removed
  6. Set Archived = Yes
  7. Scroll down and click Update Credit Type button to save changes

How to import credits for participants for a Session?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Credits Managements in the left side menu
  3. In Select Conference, pick the appropriate Conference from the dropdown list
  4. Click Upload Credits button
  5. A screen will open with a link to a template, download the template
  6. Populate the template with the email addresses of the participants
    1. Session ID (obtain by clicking Sessions > Summary > Export CSV = the first column are your Session IDs)

    2. Credit Type ID (obtain this from Certificates screen where the Credit Types are listed, a number appears after the word 'Credit Type' where the first credit type = 1 and is number sequentially as each type is)

  7. Upload your completed template file.

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