Managing Application Forms

Managing Application Forms

How to access an existing Form to make changes?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Forms icon located between Conferences and Other Tools
  3. From the Form list, locate and click on the Form to edit
  4. Click Settings in left-side meny
  5. Select Manage Settings to edit the main form settings, Manage Fields to edit the fields on the form OR Manage Screens to edit the form screen attributes.

How to add a field to a Form?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Forms tab
  3. Click the applicable form under the Form Title list to open it
  4. Click Settings button in the left-side menu
  5. Select Manage Fields
  6. Click + Add New Field button
  7. Select the Field Type
  8. Enter a label for Field Label
  9. Click Add Field
  10. If applicable, enter Field Description and any other attributes of the field
  11. Set Required to YES or NO where YES will make the field mandatory
  12. Set Admin Only to YES or NO where YES if this is administrative field only accessible by Administrators
  13. Save your changes by clicking Update Field Information at the bottom
  14. Repeat Steps 7 to 14 to add other fields
  15. Click Preview Form button to view the layout of your form
    NOTE: In the List Fields view, you may move the order of fields, by clicking the icon on the left with 3 horizontal bars, then drag and drop the field to its new location.

How to edit a field on a Form?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Forms tab
  3. Click the applicable form under the Form Title list to open it
  4. Click Settings button in the left-side menu
  5. Select Manage Fields
  6. This will display a list of all fields on the form
  7. Click the Edit button beside the field to edit
  8. Ensure to click Update Field button to save edits
  9. Repeat step 6 and 7 for each field to edit
  10. Click Preview Form button to view changes.
    Note: The preview is only a quick easy way for an admin to see the fields; however it will not display fields that have logic conditions set not should this view be used to test logic.

How to change the order of options in a Form Field?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Forms tab
  3. Click the applicable form under the Form Title list to open it
  4. Click Settings button in left-side menu
  5. Select Manage Fields
  6. Click the Edit button beside the field to edit
  7. Scroll down to the list of Options defined
  8. Click and hold the icon located on the far left of the field that looks like 3 horizontal bars, then drag that field (up or down) to it’s new position on the form
  9. Click Preview Form to see the updated order

How to manually add an application?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Forms tab
  3. Click the applicable form under the Form Title list to open it
  4. Click Add Submissions in left side menu
  5. Search by lastname for the contact the submission is for
    • NOTE: if the person is not in the system, you need to Add the Contact first, see: How to Add Contact help article, then return to the Add Submissions step
  6. Once you locate the proper name, click on the match
  7. Click Add Form button
  8. Click Edit Submission in horizontal menu
  9. Complete the form fields accordingly
  10. Scroll down and click Update Form button to save

NOTE: When an admin completes a submission form, none of the form logic or required field validation will take place, nor will any email triggers be sent. If you want those items to be enabled when completing a form, perform a 'login as' on the user account and complete the form from the the front-end.

How to delete a submitted form?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Forms tab
  3. Click the applicable form under the Form Title list to open it
  4. Click on a form row in the grid to open it. (Do not click in column with the Magnify Glass - click on any other column)
  5. Click Delete in the horizontal menu
  6. Click Confirm Delete button
    • NOTE: Deleted forms cannot be recovered.

How to view/download submitted forms?

  1. Click Forms from the Admin Dashboard to enter into the Forms module
  2. Click on the title of a form
  3. Forms that have been submitted, will be listed in the grid, click on a form to open it and see the content
    • NOTE: if the form is public (i.e. does not require a login), the All Submissions report is the only applicable report.
  4. Click Download button to download the submissions to an excel file

If there are files uploaded as part of your form responses, to download the files all at once,

  1. Instead of step 4 above, click left side menu > Email/Download
  2. Click File Downloads tab
  3. Click Find
  4. Select [File] from the dropdown list (if you have more than 1 file, only 1 file may be selected at a time)
  5. Click Advance button
    • This will download a zip file where each filename is prefixed with the corresponding form ID number

How to download the Reviewer Form contents to an excel file?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Forms
  3. Click on the applicable form in the grid that contains the Review Form e.g. Membership Application
  4. Click Download button
  5. Click Reviewers tab
  6. Click Find button
  7. Click Download Excel button
  8. Click Check All or check Reviewer Comments field
  9. Scroll down, click Download button

How to unarchive a form submission?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Forms tab
  3. Click the applicable form under the Form Title list to open it
  4. Under the Submission section, ensure to View All
  5. From the grid click on the row for the submission to be unarchived
  6. Set the Archived field to No

Where to find all of the forms created in the Forms module?

Some examples of the types of forms located in the forms module are: Application Forms for Awards and/or Grants, Disclosure Forms, Evaluation Forms, Speaker A/V requirements, Polls and Surveys.

Note: These forms do not include abstract submission or abstract review forms, those are located in the Speaker module. If your form is anonymous, you will NOT see a grid of the results and you may only download the form responses to excel.

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Forms icon located between Conferences and Other Tools
  3. In the grid, a list of all forms created previously.
  4. If you configured an anonymous form, you will not see a grid of forms submitted, use the left side menu Email/Download to download All Submissions to an excel file.

How to download the scores from the Reviewer Forms?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Forms
  3. Click on the applicable form in the grid that contains the Review Form e.g. Membership Application
  4. Click Download button
  5. Click Reviewers tab
  6. Click Find button for the Applicant Scores report
  7. Click Download Excel button
    • Then use excel to sort the application based on the Review Score Field(s)

How to delete a Form?

NOTE: Before you delete a form, you need to ensure there are no submitted forms. 
View the help article on how to delete submitted forms here.

  1. Login to Dashboard
  2. Click Other Tools
  3. Click Archive/Delete Modules icon
  4. Scroll down to the Forms section, click the Delete button beside the form you want to remove
    • CAUTION: Ensure to select the correct form to be removed. X-CD will not be able to recover a deleted form.
  5. Confirm the deletion

How to add text to the login screen of a form?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Forms tab
  3. Click the applicable form under the Form Title list to open it
  4. Click Settings button
  5. Locate the Login Screen Text field and enter information to appear on the login screen.
  6. Scroll down, click Update Form to apply changes

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