Live Stream Chat

Live Stream Chat

You can now post general comments during a live stream presentation. These are meant to be comments/posts that are non academic, and are not guided towards the presenter(s)/moderator(s)
  1. If enabled for your conference (there is a virtual app module configuration), you can have a separate tab in your Live Stream session widget to display a Live Chat area. This is separate from the Q&A tab which is meant for academic questions geared towards speakers and moderators
  2. The Live Chat area is a general place for attendees to say hi, congratulate speakers, shout out friends, colleagues etc. and generally get social and say hi
  3. Live Chat posts will only be seen during the live streamed session, and are not archived/saved in the virtual platform or discussion boards for future
  4. A log of the Live Chat saved in the Admin Interface under each session in the Downloads button

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