How to Manually Upload a File to a Submission
In some cases, the end user may have trouble uploading a file/files to their submission.
If this is the case, obtain the file from the end user and upload it for the user through the admin screen.
- Click Dashboard
- Click Speakers Module
- Click Manage button
- Click on the Manage button for the Submission in the Grid
TIP: Quick search by entering the Submission ID in the Search field above the grid
- Click Files in the horizontal menu
- In the Upload field, select from the list the file you wish to upload
- Click Select File button to locate the file you obtained from the end user
- Locate the file and select it, then click Open button
- The file will be uploaded and you will see a green upload message. If there is an error with the upload, refer to the on-screen error message. Files are all auto re-named based on the field name and submission ID #.
Note: File names should not contain special characters such as #$%@!&*^()
- Once the file has successfully uploaded, you will see the file in the file list in the lower half of the screen along with other uploaded files with a date and time stamp recorded.
- If you wish to remove the file, click the Delete button next to the file.
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