How to Import Sessions into the Program

How to Import Sessions into the Program


  • Do not run the import sessions multiple times with the same data; otherwise, it will create duplicates.
  • Do not import sessions that already exist as this import will not update sessions.
  • Only use to import NEW sessions.
  • If you have more than one speaker module, you may include the abstracts from only one speaker module and you must run the import from within the specific speaker module. Submissions from other modules will need to be manually added into the program.

Importing Sessions

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Speaker Module
  3. Click the Program button
  4. Click Import in the horizontal menu
  5. Select Import Sessions
  6. In the first step of the instructions, Download this file - click the link to the Import Template and download it
    • Follow the instructions in the file and populate the columns accordingly.
      • Ensure to keep the file formatted and save as CSV. If the file contains accented characters, ensure to save in UTF-8 format.
      • Do NOT delete, move or edit columns or column titles.
      • If including authors and co-authors, ensure to populate email addresses in the import file.
      • In the first column, enter a value of 1, if the item is a session or start of a session
      • The Session Start and Session End should be the start and end time block of the entire session
      • Talk time is populated with the presentation duration in minutes
      • BEFORE importing, you may send your file to X-CD to have it reviewed
  7. Click Dashboard
  8. Click Speaker Module
  9. Click the Program button
  10. Click Import in the horizontal menu
  11. Select Import Sessions
  12. Click the Upload CSV button
  13. Locate the file on your computer and upload the file.

Creating a Presentations/Abstracts ONLY Import File

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Speaker Module
  3. Click Program button
  4. Click Import in horizontal menu
  5. Select Import Sessions
  6. In the first step of the instructions, Download this file - click the link to the Import Template and download it
    • Follow the below instructions in the file and populate the columns accordingly:
      • Clear out all of the contents in row 2 and afterward before you begin
      • If you want to add a reference number to the presentation and have this number displayed in the program, populate column J. E.G. if you have an abstract number from your third-party submission system that you want to use, you may populate it here.  
      • Populate column K with the Poster Title*
      • Populate column L with the Poster Abstract/Description
      • Populate column N with the Poster Presenter's First name*
      • Populate column O with the Poster Presenter's Middle name (if applicable)
      • Populate column P with the Poster Presenter's Last name*
      • Populate columns Q to U with Poster Presenter details as per column headings (if applicable)
      • Populate column V with the Poster Presenter's Email address
      • Populate columns W to Z with Poster Presenter details as per column headings (if applicable)
      • If you want to include co-author data on the posters, use columns AW through to CS to add up to 7 co-authors, you must populate at minimum the first name, last name, and email address for each co-author and any information you want to be displayed in the program for each co-author.
    • NOTES:
      • Items with an * are mandatory for the import file.
      • Items not with an * are optional to provide, however, if you want this information displayed in the program, it needs to be populated through the import or the user must log in and update their contact profile in the system.
      • All email addresses in the file must be unique to the individual presenter/co-author.
      • Ensure to keep the file formatted and save as CSV. If the file contains accented characters, ensure to save in UTF-8 format.
      • Do NOT delete, move or edit columns or column titles.
      • Do NOT apply any text formatting.
      • BEFORE importing, you may send your file to X-CD to have it reviewed.

Importing your file

If you have more than one speaker module, ensure to select the proper speaker module and that your import file contains only the abstracts from the speaker module you are running the import. Submissions from other modules will need to be manually added into the program.
  • Click Speaker Module
  • Click the Program button
  • Click Import in the horizontal menu
  • Select Import Sessions
  • Click the Upload CSV button
  • Locate the file on your computer and upload the file. Do NOT close your browser screen.
          When the import has been completed, an on-screen message will appear with information indicating if any issues occurred and how many rows were imported.

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