How to Apply a Credit for an Invoice (or Refunded Check payments)?

How to Apply a Credit for an Invoice (or Refunded Check payments)?

Apply a Credit to an invoice when refunding an attendee's payment in part or whole when you cannot issue a direct refund through X-CD. A Credit Note does not process the actual refund transaction, but records the offline refund on the invoice in the system.

By applying a Credit to the invoice in X-CD, it will allow the refund to be logged properly in the X-CD financial reports and help you when reconciling payments/refunds against the Payment Processor reports.
Refunded Checks: For check payments, you will need to contact your finance department to issue a check in the amount of the reimbursement and then go into your X-CD site and create a credit for the refunded amount and cancel the items/registration.
  1. Login to your Payment Processor Account and issue a refund.
  2. Login to your X-CD Admin site
  3. Click Dashboard
  4. Click Attendee Module
  5. Click Manage button
  6. For each attendee registration to credit, Search for the individual and Click the Manage button to open the registration
    1. If the person's registration is part of an exhibitor/company registration, you will need to go to the Company Registration, go to Admin > Group Management in the horizontal menu, select See All Group Members and then select Edit on the individual's registration and proceed to follow the steps from step 5
  7. Click Payments in the horizontal menu
  8. Select Create Credit
  9. In Conference Revenue Credited, enter a numerical value (DO NOT ENTER A NEGATIVE NUMBER)
  10. If applicable, in Tax Credited, enter a numerical value (DO NOT ENTER A NEGATIVE NUMBER)
  11. Enter a Credit Note providing a reason for the refund
  12. Select Yes for Mark Credit as Processed?
  13. Click the Add Credit button
  14. To Cancel the Registration, click Admin in the horizontal menu, select Cancel/Delete/Reinstate
  15. Enter a Cancellation Note
  16. Click Process Cancellation
    1. This will remove all items from the registration and mark them as canceled. Note: the Attendee does not receive an email.

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