Editing the E-Commerce Store Form

Editing the E-Commerce Store Form

How to Add/Edit Fields on the Store Form?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click E-Commerce tab
  3. Click Manage Existing Stores icon
  4. Click on Store name
  5. Click Settings button
  6. Click Registration Setup in horizontal menu
  7. Select Registration Fields
  8. To add a new item, Click Add New Field button 
  9. To edit, click Edit button for the Field to edit and apply changes
    • If you wish to edit an option, scroll down and select the option to edit and apply changes
  10. Click Update Field

How to Edit the Order Statement Header/Footer/Confirmation Email Message?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click E-Commerce tab
  3. Click Manage Existing Stores icon
  4. Click on Store name
  5. Click Settings button
  6. Click Settings in horizontal menu
  7. Select Payment Settings
  8. Scroll down to Invoice Statement Header/Footer/Confirmation Email text and make revisions.
    TIP: Customize the text, images, and formatting of the invoice header and footer. 
  9. Scroll down and Click Update Payment Settings button to save changes

How to Access the Languages/Alt. Labels Module?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click E-Commerce tab
  3. Click Manage Existing Stores icon
  4. Click on the name of your Store
  5. Click Settings button
  6. Click Advanced Options in horizontal menu
  7. Select Languages/Alt. Labels > If you do not see this menu option, contact X-CD
  8. Click Create Additional System Language button or Add New Language button
  9. Enter a label for the new language e.g. French
  10. In the Change Language Screen Text field enter the label for the drop down screen e.g. Francais

How to Update Labels?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Attendee module
  3. Click Settings
  4. Click Advanced Options in horizontal menu
  5. Select Languages/Alt. Labels
  6. If applicable, click on the Language you wish to update labels for; otherwise continue to next step
  7. Click on the button for a section to update the labels e.g. Screen Content
    • TIP: If you know the label of what you want to change, click CTRL-F to open the find window and enter the label you want to replace
  8. Enter new label(s), as desired
  9. Scroll down, click Submit button to save changes.

How to Enable Admin Email Notifications when Payments are Made?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click E-Commerce
  3. Click Manage Existing Stores
  4. Click on a Store
  5. Click Settings
  6. Click Settings in horizontal menu
  7. Select Payment Settings
  8. Scroll down and set Admin Payment Notification field to yes
  9. In the Payment Notice Email(s) field and populate the emails separated by ;
  10. Scroll down and click Update to save your changes

How to Add a Button for the Store Form on the Profile Home Screen?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Profile Home Management in left side menu
  3. Click + Add New Link button
  4. Select Link
  5. Enter a Label
  6. Set the Link to a Module Link (select from dropdown list) OR Enter a URL address in Link URL field
  7. Set the other options in the screen as desired
    • E.g. To restrict access for certain group(s), select the group(s) in one of the Restrict fields
  8. Scroll down, Click Add Link button
  9. Copy and paste the store URL in to the Link URL field
  10. If applicable, set restrictions on who can access the link or if public display.
  11. Click Update Link button

How to Update the Acceptable Forms of Payment?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click E-Commerce tab
  3. Click Manage Existing Stores icon
  4. Click on the name of your Store
  5. Click Settings button
  6. Click Settings in horizontal menu
  7. Select Payment Settings
  8. Scroll down to Screen Content section and add/revise text displayed for the forms of payments you plan to accept e.g. Offline Payment / Wire Transfer
  9. Scroll down to Payment Type Options section, and select 'Yes' for the forms of payment you wish to accept. e.g. Checks, Purchase Order, Wire Transfer, etc.
  10. Scroll down and Click Update Payment Settings button

How to Update the Contact Email / Support Email Address?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click E-Commerce tab
  3. Click Manage Existing Stores icon
  4. Click on the name of your Store
  5. Click Settings button
  6. Locate the Contact Email / Support Ticket Email field(s)
    • Note: only populate the Support Ticket Email if you wish to use more than one email address; if left blank, the Contact Email will be used
  7. Scroll down and click Update Settings button to save changes

How to Edit the Template being used by the Store Form?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click E-Commerce tab
  3. Click Manage Existing Stores icon
  4. Click on Store name
  5. Click Settings button
  6. Locate the Module Template field, click to view the existing templates and choose the template to be used. If no template exists, you will need to create a template first. View FAQ on How to Create a Template - click HERE

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