Configuring or Editing the Payment Settings Screen

Configuring or Editing the Payment Settings Screen

Invoice Header/Footer Information

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click into the corresponding module e.g. Attendee or Exhibitor or Ecommerce Store
  3. Click Settings button
  4. Click Settings in horizontal menu
  5. Select Payment Settings
  6. Scroll down to Invoice Header / Invoice Footer field(s) / Invoice Details section
  7. Apply your edits
  8. Click Update Payment Settings button to save changes.

Add an Image to the Invoice Header

To add an image to an invoice header, first upload the image file to the X-CD system.

Upload an image

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Upload Files in left side menu
  3. Select the file from your computer to be uploaded, click Upload Your File button
  4. Once the file has been uploaded, copy the image URL

Insert the image into the Invoice Header

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click into the corresponding module e.g. Attendee or Exhibitor or Ecommerce Store
  3. Click Settings button
  4. Click Settings in horizontal menu
  5. Select Payment Settings
  6. Scroll down to the Invoice Statement Header field / Invoice Details section
  7. Click the image icon 
  8. Paste the image URL address into the Source field
  9. Click the Ok button
  10. Click Update Payment Settings button to save changes.

Edit the Payment Confirmation Email Message

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click into the corresponding module e.g. Attendee or Exhibitor or Ecommerce Store
  3. Click Settings button
  4. Click Settings in the horizontal menu
  5. Select Payment Settings
  6. Scroll down to the section heading Email information and locate the Confirmation Email fields
  7. Apply the edits
  8. Click the Update Payment Settings button to save changes.

How to Setup or Include Multiple Admin Emails for Payment Notifications?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click into the corresponding module e.g. Attendee or Exhibitor or Ecommerce Store
  3. Click Settings button
  4. Click Setting in the horizontal menu
  5. Select Payment Settings
  6. Scroll down to the section heading Email Information and locate the Admin Payment Notification field and set to Yes
  7. In the Payment Notice Email(s) field, enter email address, for multiple emails separate with ; and no spaces in-between
  8. Click the Update Payment Settings button to apply changes

Where to Enter Cancellation Policy Information?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click into the corresponding module e.g. Attendee or Exhibitor or Ecommerce Store
  3. Click Settings button
  4. Click Settings in horizontal menu
  5. Select Payment Settings
  6. Scroll down to the section heading Screen Content/Information and locate the 'Cancellation Policy' text box and enter the Cancellation Policy details.
  7. Click the Update Payment Settings button to save changes.

You may wish to copy and paste your Cancellation Policy in the Invoice Statement Footer field so the information is explicitly printed on the Attendee's Invoice.

How to Accept Cheques/Checks?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click into the corresponding module e.g. Attendee or Exhibitor or Ecommerce Store
  3. Click Settings button
  4. Click Settings in horizontal menu
  5. Select Payment Settings
  6. Scroll down to the section heading Billing Information and ensure to complete the following fields:
    • Conference Payable Name (i.e. Name or Organization the Check is made to:)
    • Billing Address
    • Billing City
    • Billing State/Province
    • Billing Zip
    • NOTE: You may wish to include the same instructions in the Invoice Footer field as well.
  7. Scroll down to section heading Screen Content and locate Offline Payment Screen Content text field and populate with Instructions for the submitting payment. This information will be displayed on-screen when the end user is indicating their form of payment.
  8. Scroll down to section heading Payment Type Options and locate Checks Enabled field and set to Yes
  9. Scroll down and click Update Payment Settings button to save changes

How to Accept Wire Transfers?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click into the corresponding module e.g. Attendee or Exhibitor or Ecommerce Store
  3. Click Settings button
  4. Click Settings in the horizontal menu
  5. Select Payment Settings
  6. Scroll down to the section heading Screen Content and locate Wire Transfer Screen Text text field and populate it with Instructions for submitting payment. This information will be displayed on-screen when the end user is indicating their form of payment.
    • NOTE: You may wish to include the instructions in the Invoice Footer field as well.
  7. Scroll down to the section heading Payment Type Options and locate Wire Transfer Enabled field and set to Yes
  8. Scroll down and click Update Payment Settings button to save changes

How to Accept Purchase Orders?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click into the corresponding module e.g. Attendee or Exhibitor or Ecommerce Store
  3. Click Settings button
  4. Click Settings in the horizontal menu
  5. Select Payment Settings
  6. Scroll down to the section heading Billing Information and ensure to complete the following fields:
    • Conference Payable Name (i.e. Name or Organization the Check is made to:)
    • Billing Address
    • Billing City
    • Billing State/Province
    • Billing Zip
    • NOTE: You may wish to include the instructions in the Invoice Footer field as well.
  7. Scroll down to section heading Screen Content and locate Offline Payment Screen Content text field and populate with Instructions for submitting payment. This information will be displayed on-screen when the end user is indicating their form of payment.
  8. Scroll down to section heading Payment Type Options and locate Purchase Orders Enabled field and set to Yes
  9. Scroll down and click Update Payment Settings button to save changes

How to Enable / Disable Credit Card Test Mode?


  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Attendee / Exhibitor module
  3. Click Settings button
  4. Click Settings in the horizontal menu
  5. Select Payment Settings
  6. Scroll down to Credit Card Test Mode field and set to No to turn it off
    • Set to Yes to set the system in Test mode, then continue to step 8
  7. Ensure the Credit Card Enabled field is set to Yes
    • Note: If the payment processor requires the CVV code, ensure that the Require CVV Code field is set to Yes
  8. Scroll down and click Update Payment Settings button to save changes


NOTE: If you are using the e-commerce module to collect dues, subscriptions, donations and/or merchandise, follow the below steps:

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click E-Commerce tab
  3. Click Manage Existing Stores icon
  4. Click on the store name in the grid
  5. Click Settings button
  6. Click Settings in the horizontal menu
  7. Select Payment Settings
  8. Scroll down to Credit Card Test Mode field and set to No to turn it off
    • Set to Yes to set the system in Test mode, then continue to step 8
  9. Ensure the Credit Card Enabled field is set to Yes
    • Note: If the payment processor requires the CVV code, ensure that the Require CVV Code field is set to Yes
  10. Scroll down and click Update Payment Settings button to save changes


NOTE: NOTE: If you are using the Dues Management module (and not the E-Commerce module) to collect dues, follow the below steps:

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Dues Management in left-side menu
  3. Click Settings in the horizontal menu
  4. Scroll down to Credit Card Test Mode field and set to No to turn it off
    • Set to Yes to set the system in Test mode, then continue to step 8
  5. Ensure the Credit Card Enabled field is set to Yes
  6. Scroll down and click Update Payment Settings button to save changes


NOTE: If your Abstract system is set up with an abstract submission payment follow the below steps:

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Speaker module
  3. Click Settings button
  4. Click Advanced in horizontal menu
  5. Select Payment Settings
  6. Scroll down to Credit Card Test Mode field and set to No (to turn off test mode) / Yes (to set in test mode)
    • Ensure the Credit Card Enabled field is set to Yes
  7. Scroll down and click Update  button to save changes

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