Build an Application Reviewer Form within the Forms Module

Build an Application Reviewer Form within the Forms Module


The Application Reviewer Site is similar to the Submission Reviewer Module where it will allow you to create a reviewer form, show/hide application fields, assign and manage the reviews.


How to Create the Application Reviewer Form?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Forms
  3. Click on the name of the Form you want to create a reviewer form for
  4. Click Review Submissions in the left-side menu
  5. Click Add New Review Module button
  6. Enter a name for your Review form
  7. You may select a pre-existing review form to copy
  8. Click Create button
  9. Click Review Fields in the horizontal menu
  10. Click + Add New Field button
  11. Select the Field Type
  12. Enter a label for Field Label
  13. Click Add Field
  14. If applicable, enter Field Description and any other attributes of the field
  15. Set Required to YES or NO where YES will make the field mandatory
  16. Set Admin Only to YES or NO where YES if this is an administrative field only accessible by Administrators
  17. Save your changes by clicking Update Field Information at the bottom
  18. Repeat steps 6 to 13 for each field to appear on the Reviewer Form

Scoring Fields

  • If you have created a scoring field (a radio or drop down field with scoring options like 1-10) make sure to check off the Summation button on the Field Type 
  • If you set it as a Summation field, this field will to be added to the Total Score for the review

How to set what fields are shown / not shown to the Application Reviewer?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Forms
  3. Click on the name of the Form
  4. Click Review Submissions in the left-side menu
  5. Click Settings in horizontal menu
  6. Scroll down the window to the list of Application Fields
    • Yes = Display field to Reviewer
    • No = Do Not display field to Reviewer
  7. Once you have set which fields you wish to display/hide, click Update Settings button

How do I Compose / Edit the Email sent to Application Reviewers?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Forms
  3. Click on the name of the Form
  4. Click Review Submissions in the left-side menu
  5. Click Settings in horizontal menu
  6. Locate the field 'Application Reviewer Email' and update the text box contents
    • NOTE: Hot Keys allow you to personalize your message. Insert a Hot Key field in your email message by typing [Fieldname] from the available list shown. This will pull the data from the system to appear in the email contents.
  7. Scroll down, click Update Settings button

How do I Create / Update the Screen text shown on the Application Reviewer Site?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Forms
  3. Click on the name of the Form
  4. Click Review Submissions in the left-side menu
  5. Click Settings in horizontal menu
  6. In the field called Award Application Review Screen Instructions, update the text box contents
  7. Scroll down, click Update Settings button

How do I open my Application Reviewer site?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Forms
  3. Click on the name of the Form
  4. Click Review Submissions in the left-side menu
  5. Click Settings in horizontal menu
  6. The first field called 'Award Application Review Site Open/Close'
    • click Yes (to Open) access to the Application Reviewer site
    • click No (to Close) access to the Application Reviewer site
  7. Scroll down, click Update Settings button
  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Forms
  3. Click on the name of the Form
  4. Click Review Submissions in the left-side menu
  5. Click Settings in horizontal menu
  6. Locate at the top of the screen the URL for System Review URL
    • This is the URL your Application Reviewers will log in to do complete the online application reviewer form you created.

How do I test the Reviewer Form?

  1. Assign yourself as a reviewer to a form. Follow the steps in the Article on how to assign reviewers.
  2. From Admin Dashboard, Click Forms to enter into the Forms module
  3. Click on the title of a form
  4. Click Review Submissions in the left-side menu
  5. Locate the Reviewer Login Screen URL, click on the link and login to test the review form

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