Attendee Overview

Attendee Overview

What does the Registration Breakdown show?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Attendee Module

 Note: The Overview screen will display with two graphics showing a summary of Registration and Financials.

Registration Breakdown

  • Total number of all registered attendees (regardless of payment status) appears inside the circle
  • Using your mouse, hover the cursor over:
    • Green  = # of Completed Registrations (Registered and Paid in full)
    • Orange = # of Pending Registrations (Registered and payment by Cheque or other means)
    • Red = # of Incomplete Registrations (Registered and has outstanding payment)
    • Grey = # of Cancelled Registrations (Registration status is cancelled)
  • Click on the graphical image to show a summary of registration form items
    • Filter the summary, click on the dropdown menu to change the view (All, Complete, Pending, Incomplete, Cancelled)
    • Click the X in the upper right hand corner to close this pop-up window

What does the Financial Breakdown Show?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Attendee Module

 Note: The Overview screen will display with two graphics showing a summary of Registration and Financials.

Financial Breakdown

  • Total Revenue for all invoice items inside the circle
  • Using your mouse, hover the cursor over:
    • Green = $ of Invoiced Payments Received
    • Red = $ of Invoiced and Payments Not Received
  • Click on the graphical image to show a summary of Finances where:
    • Gross Invoice Items = The sum of all invoice items selected or created for this event.
    • Invoice Discounts = The sum of all discounts in the system created against all invoice items.
    • Net Invoice Items = The net difference between all invoices and discounts.
    • Total Received Payments = The sum of all complete payments in the system.
    • Total Pending Payments = The sum of all payments which are in the system but not processed as complete.
    • Total Payments = The sum of all Total Received Payments & Total Pending Payments.
    • Click the X in the upper right hand corner to close this pop-up window

Where is my registration page link/landing page?

  • From your Admin Dashboard click into your registration module
  • On the registration overview you will see your front end url

Registration Status Definitions

The following describes the different states of a registration and the status field associated to the registration form.


  • This means there is no outstanding balance on the registration form.
  • The individual is considered to be fully registered for the event.
  • A Complete registration may change to Incomplete, if a new item is added to the registration form and not paid in full.


  • This means the individual has filled the registration form, but has indicated an offline form of payment for the registration such as check or purchase order.
  • This individual is considered to be registered for the event, but not fully paid.
  • Offline payments are processed by the administrator. When a payment is processed, the registration status will change from Pending to Complete if the payment recorded is the same amount as the outstanding balance.


  • This means there is an outstanding balance on the registration form
  • The individual is not considered to be fully registered and paid for the event.
  • This includes the following cases:
    • An individual who started a registration, added items but has not made any payments.
    • An individual who started a registration, paid for it, but then came back into their registration and added one or more items and has not completed payment for the added item(s) so there is an outstanding balance on the invoice
  • When payment has been made in full, the registration status will change from Incomplete to Complete.


  • This means that the registration was started and may or may not have been paid in full, but has been cancelled
  • The individual is considered as no longer registered to attend.

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