Advanced Registration Form

Advanced Registration Form

How to setup multiple screens for a Registration Form?

If you have a lot of items on your Registration Form and want to break up content into smaller sections, you may do so by defining Registration Menus. Also, an advantage of multiple screens is to prevent a long screen form from an end user's experience, as well, certain logic may be applied so that certain questions will appear conditionally based on previous screen responses.

For example, your registration types could be on one screen, the next screen could contain options to purchase social event tickets. Another screen could be a donation screen or a Questionnaire on Dietary Restrictions...

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Attendee Module
  3. Click Settings button
  4. Click Registration Setup in the horizontal menu
  5. Select Registration Menu
  6. Click + Add New button
  7. Enter a Menu Title e.g. Social Activities
  8. Enter Menu Submit Button e.g. Update & Continue
  9. Set Required Screen value, if YES then a response must be provided for each question
  10. In Menu Screen Content, you may add more information that will be displayed on the screen
  11. Click the Add Menu Field button
  12. Now in your Registration Fields, you may set the Screen field to Social Activities so your fields will appear on the Social Activities screen.

How to set basic Display If logic on a option?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Attendee module
  3. Click Settings button
  4. Click Registration Setup in the horizontal menu
  5. Select Registration Fields
  6. Click the Edit button beside the field you want to set as the 'Trigger'
  7. Click the Edit button for the specific option
  8. Set the 'If Selected, Display Fields / If Selected, Require Fields' attributes but highlighting the other fields you want to have displayed/set as required.
    • Hold down the CTRL or COMMAND Key to select/unselect multiple fields
    • If you want to display to a specific group that has been defined in the system, use the Only Display to Group setting and conversely if you want to hide a specific option, set the Hide Display to Group; for example, if you have a student rate, set the 'Only Display to Group' and highlight your student group, then set the Hide Display to Group and select all of the non-student groups, as a result, the student rate will display to individuals in the student group and will not be displayed to any other groups.
  9. Scroll down, click Update to save changes

How to setup a conditional Display If  field based on a registration type response?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Attendee Module
  3. Click Settings
  4. Click Registration Setup in the horizontal menu
  5. Select Registration Fields
  6. Click the Edit button beside the field you wish to set up to display if a certain registration type is selected
    • In the below screenshot example, we want the Monday Lunch question to appear if a registrant selects any of the following registrations: a Monday registration or Full Registration or a Board Member Registration
    • Multi-select by holding down the CTRL / COMMAND and clicking on each item
      (**HINT: Also hold down the CTRL / COMMAND and click to unselect an item)
  7. Click the Update Field button to apply changes

How to setup a conditional Display If field based on option selected on a registration form?

For example, if a registrant is allowed to also register additional guests for a social event, you would want to be able to display certain fields based on how many in total appear on the registration form.

  • If a registrant was bringing 1 guest, then display field for Guest 1 Full Name
  • If a registrant was bringing 3 guests, then display fields for up to 3 Guests Full Names to be entered
  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Attendee Module
  3. Click Settings
  4. Click Registration Setup in the horizontal menu
  5. Select Registration Fields
  6. Click Edit button beside the field you wish to setup to display e.g. Additional Guests
  7. Click Edit button beside the field option e.g. Guest 1 Full Name
  8. For Display If Previous Screen Options Total People Registered Is at Least 1
  9. Select the fields which would be used to ‘count’ e.g. Social Tickets x 1
  10. Click Update Option
  11. Click Edit button beside the field option e.g. Guest 2 Full Name
  12. For Display If Previous Screen Options Total People Registered Is at Least 2
  13. Select the fields which would be used to ‘count’ e.g. Social Tickets x 2
  14. Click Update Option
  15. Click Edit button beside the field option e.g. Guest 3 Full Name
  16. For Display If Previous Screen Options Total People Registered Is at Least 3
  17. Select the fields which would be used to ‘count’ e.g. Social Tickets x 3
  18. Click Update Option
Hold down the CTRL / COMMAND and click to unselect an item)

How to set a maximum limit on an item on a registration form?

For example, you have an item for social tickets and you want to limit the total number of tickets to 200.
NOTE: The count takes effect when the item is selected on the registration form therefore those who have incomplete/unpaid/pending registrations are included in the count.

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Attendee Module
  3. Click Settings button
  4. Click Registration Setup in the horizontal menu
  5. Select Registration Fields
  6. Click + Add New Field button (click Edit if an existing field and proceed to step 15)
  7. Select the Field Type
  8. Enter a label for Field Label
  9. Indicate Screen Type (if you have more than 1 Registration menu screen defined, select the applicable screen)
  10. Indicate Financial Value Field
    • Financial Value = if there is an associated dollar value to the field
    • Non Financial Value = no associated dollar value to the field
  11. Click Add Field
  12. If applicable, enter Field Description and any other attributes of the field
  13. Set Display Field to YES to show
  14. Set Required to YES or NO where YES will make the field mandatory
  15. Set Value Count Field to YES
  16. Set Main Registration Field to NO
  17. Set Max Count, enter a number equal to the maximum limit you want e.g. 200
  18. Save your changes by clicking Update Field Information at the bottom
NOTE: To set a limit on an option type field, edit the Option and enter a value in the Capacity Limit field and save your changes.

How to set a running count of items on a registration form?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Attendee Module
  3. Click Settings button
  4. Click Registration Setup in the horizontal menu
  5. Select Registration Fields
  6. Click + Add New Field button (click Edit if an existing field and proceed to step 15)
  7. Select the Field Type
  8. Enter a label for Field Label
  9. Indicate Screen Type (if you have more than one Registration menu screen defined, select the applicable screen)
  10. Indicate Financial Value Field
    • Financial Value = if there is an associated dollar value to the field
    • Non Financial Value = no associated dollar value to the field
  11. Click Add Field
  12. If applicable, enter Field Description and any other attributes of the field
  13. Set Display Field to YES to show
  14. Set Required to YES or NO where YES will make the field mandatory
  15. Set Value Count Field to YES
    • This setting creates the running count and will display in the Registration Breakdown report from the Attendee Overview screen
    • In the Reports module, click on the Special Count Reports to produce your specific count reports.
  16. Set Main Registration Field to NO
  17. Set Max Count, enter a number equal to the maximum limit you want, if applicable
  18. Save your changes by clicking Update Field Information at the bottom

To set a Value Count on an option type field, edit the Option and enter a value in the Option Count field and save your changes.

How to re-order menu screens?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Attendee Module
  3. Click Settings button
  4. Click Registration Setup in the horizontal menu
  5. Select Registration Menu
  6. Place your cursor over the 3 horizontal bars that appear next to the menu screen you wish to re-order, then drag and drop that menu item to its new position.

How to add French (or other) language labels to a form?

Multi-language support is an add-on module that may be purchased in addition to the standard registration module. Contact for more information.

X-CD Registrations forms can support displaying the form in an alternate language

To add alternate language labels:

  1. Click Attendee module
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click Advanced Options in the horizontal menu
  4. Select Languages
  5. Click Francais* button *Note: Or select the corresponding language button.
Depending on what screen the labels appear on, select the appropriate screen button, then you may update the labels

How to make a registration option admin only?

In order to make an option only visible to admin and not to end-users, set the option to 'Hidden'.

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Attendee module
  3. Click Settings button
  4. Click Registration Setup in the horizontal menu
  5. Select Registration Fields
  6. Click the Edit button beside the field with the options
  7. Click the Edit button beside the option
  8. Set Display to 'No'
  9. Scroll down and click Update Option to save changes.
    An admin will be the only person who will be able to select this option on a registration form

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