Adding and Building a Form

Adding and Building a Form

Forms module is used for creating any type of form outside of your speaker - submission forms and registration (attendee & exhibitor) forms

  • For example, evaluations, awards, grants, applications, sign-ups, disclosures, nominations/voting, copyrights etc.
  • Forms may be general or conference module specific e.g. create a speaker disclosure form tied to a submission module, or a membership application tied to your membership module
  • All forms may have unique peer review processes for assessors to judge and score the application forms
  • All forms are responsive and mobile friendly
  • Forms may be public or locked (requiring login authentication)
  • Overall conference and session specific evaluations are linked to sessions and may be configured to collect credits through the CE/Credit Management module

How to Add/Copy a Form?

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Forms tab
  3. Click + Add New Form button
  4. Click Begin button
  5. Enter a Form Name (E.G. Speaker Disclosure)
  6. Enter a Form Type (E.G. Disclosure)
  7. Set the Form Definition
    NOTE: Conference Speaker Form should be set so you can add it to the Speaker Submission Module as a submission step. Evaluation Forms should be set as Overall or Session Evaluation (in order to link to CME - Credit Module)
  8. Select the Related Conference by clicking the dropdown list and choosing the appropriate conference
  9. Click Next button
  10. Set the Access Options, as desired
  11. Click Next button
  12. Enter a Main Contact Name
  13. Enter a Main Contact Email
  14. Set Anonymous Form field to determine if login is required in order to complete the form
    • If login is required, then the person is required to create a contact profile
    • If no login is required, then no personal information is captured, so there is no ability to send a confirmation email to the person after the form is submitted.
  15. Complete the remainder of the fields on the screen, as desired
  16. Set Copy Form Contact Profile (Select from dropdown if you wish to use another contact profile as the template)
  17. Set Copy Existing Form Fields (Select from dropdown if you wish to use another form as the template)
  18. Click Next button
  19. Click Finish button

Next Step: Click Proceed button to build your form.

How to Build a Form?

Once the form has been added, the next step is to build it:

  1. If you clicked the Proceed button from Add Form, Go to Step 7, otherwise continue from Step 2
  2. Click Dashboard
  3. Click Forms tab
  4. Click the applicable form under the Form Title list to open it
  5. Click Settings in left menu
  6. Select Manage Fields
  7. Click + Add New Field button
  8. Select the Field Type
  9. Enter a label for Field Label
  10. Click Add Field
  11. If applicable, enter Field Description and any other attributes of the field
  12. Set Required to YES or NO where YES will make the field mandatory
  13. Set Admin Only to YES or NO where YES if this is administrative field only accessible by Administrators
  14. Save your changes by clicking Update Field Information at the bottom
  15. Repeat Steps 7 to 14 to add other fields
  16. Click Preview Form button to view the layout of your form
    NOTE: In the List Fields view, you may move the order of fields, by clicking the icon on the left with 3 horizontal bars, then drag and drop the field to its new location.

Add/Edit Presentation or Speaker Evaluation Fields in a Session Evaluation Form

  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Forms tab
  3. Click the applicable form name under the Form Title list to open it
  4. Click Settings in left menu
  5. Select Manage Fields
  6. Click + Add New Field button or click Edit beside the field and skip to step 12 
  7. Select Field Type as Radio Button
  8. Enter a label for Field Label
  9. Click Add Field
  10. If applicable, enter Field Description
  11. If applicable, set Required = Yes if a mandatory response
  12. Scroll down, to the Field Definition and click to view the dropdown list of options

  13. Choose one of the following definitions where:

    a. Presentation Evaluation Field = displays a SINGLE evaluation question that will loop for each PRESENTATION submission within a session that has multiple presentations.
    b. Individual Speaker Evaluation Field = displays a single question for each speaker (ie. coauthor) that is part of a presentation in the session. Example: 2 presentations where each presentation has 2 speakers will create 4 total questions.
    c. Multi-Question Presentation Evaluation = displays MULTIPLE evaluation questions that will loop for each PRESENTATION within a session which may contain one or more presentations.
  14. Click the Update Field button to save
  1. Click Dashboard
  2. Click Forms tab
  3. Click the applicable form name under the Form Title list to open it
  4. Click Settings in left menu
  5. Select Manage Fields
  6. Click + Add New Field button or click Edit beside the field and skip to step 12 
  7. Select Field Type as Radio Button
  8. Enter a label for Field Label
  9. Click Add Field
  10. If applicable, enter Field Description
  11. If applicable, set Required = Yes if a mandatory response
  12. Scroll down, to the Field Definition and click to view the dropdown list of options
  13. Select Session Learning Objective

  14. In the Related Key field, enter the number reference of the learning objective E.G. 1 would link to the first learning objective
    Note: Learning objectives for the Sessions must be imported using the Import Learning Objectives template. Refer to: How to Import Session Learning Objectives

  15. Repeat steps 6 - 14 each time to the maximum number of learning objectives a session would have.
  16. Click the Update Field button to save

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