Accessing Virtual Conference or Mobile App Stats
Where to Find the Data
- Click Dashboard
- For the conference, click Event App link located under the Event Name
- From the top navigation bar click Statistics

- Select the corresponding tab to locate information
- Web Stats = from your Virtual Conference (VC)
- Mobile App = for your event Mobile App
- Combined Stats = both Virtual Conference and Mobile app data
- Enter in your desired date range. The default is your start and end date for your conference.
- Click submit when ready

- Let the data load, once the blue circle stops spinning beside the submit button you will see a Download Executive Summary Button
NOTE: Please be patient as the real-time data is being collected and collated and may take some time to complete.
Executive Summary
Click Download Executive Summary Button for the prepopulated X-CD executive summary.
- The summary is multi-page document that will summarize your events statistics.
- Page 2 & 3 will provide the key statistics and numbers.
- Page 4 and onward drill down in the key statistics and numbers.
- Important Definitions:
- Views: is when the page loads
- Companies Visited: Entered the company booth
- Companies Interacted: Sent a message(s), viewed Product sheet(s), watched exhibitor video(s), entered the exhibitor video chat room
- Room Visitors: Entered exhibitor video chat room
- Watched At Least One Session: A person has started an on-demand video tied to a session (considered archived video in the admin site).
- Live Stream Aggregate: Percentage of total logged in users that watched the live stream during that time block.
- Social Posts: Discussion board or conference board posts within the Virtual Conference App. Does not include external social media posts.

Be sure to use the Search function to help find specific statistics.
There may be multiple pages for each of the data types.
Live Participants
Will show the number participants that have performed an action (clicking) on the platform in the last 5 minutes.
- Does not record number of distinct participants on the VC at that given time.
Distinct Participants
Shows the number of unique users that entered the platform for the date range provided
Program Data & Videos
- Defining the Columns:
- Session title
- Unique User(s) Count - This is the count of unique users who viewed the session details page - and may have watched the videos either live or on-demand - or did not watch the video at all.
- Unique Video Views - This is the count of unique users who watched the video associated with this session either live or on-demand completely.
- Unique Live Count - This is the count of unique users who watched the live stream associated with this session.
- Unique On-Demand Count - This is the count of unique users who completely watched the video associated with this session on-demand.
- Total Session Views - This is the total number of views of the session details page. Note that one person could have viewed the session multiple times.
- Click the More button.
Combined Live Stream and On Demand Sessions
- Click Download summary to get a summary report with session names and total counts.

- Click the cloud with an arrow point down to download all of your sessions' data.

- This will include the session details and all participant/attendee information and method of delivery (on-demand or live streamed). Each attendee will be its own row in this sheet.
Sessions with Presentations
Click on the row to expand it
- Click below Pick Session and pick from the drop down of your sessions

- The session's Presentation list will load with their Unique User Count, Unique On-Demand Count, and Total Presentation Views.
- You can download this session's data by clicking the cloud with a downward arrow. Located above the total presentation views column and below the Session selector drop down.

Live Stream Cumulative Frequency
Displays how many users watched 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. live streams
You can download this session's data by clicking the cloud with a downward arrow. 
On-Demand Cumulative Frequency
Displays how many users watched 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. live streams
You can download this session's data by clicking the cloud with a downward arrow. 
Complete Watch by Users
- Lists users by name with a count of their views
- Clicking on the arrow on their row will display the session titles the user completely watched
- You can download this session's data by clicking the cloud with a downward arrow. Located above the total presentation views column and below the Session selector drop down.

Videos Graph
Displays number of videos started and completed for each day in your selected date range.
Download the Graph as a PDF by clicking the downward arrow on the right-hand side above the graph
Unique Exhibitor Visitors
- Click More
Exhibitor Visitors Per Company
- A list of your exhibitors and the number of attendees that entered their booth will load
- Click on the arrow beside the exhibitor's name to see the unique users
- You can download this card's data by clicking the cloud with a downward arrow.

Exhibitor Interactions by Attendee
Lists Attendees names, # of companies visited and # of companies interacted with
Interaction is defined as the total number of unique companies the user either messaged, entered into a raffle, or entered exhibitor room.
Clicking on the arrow beside the attendees name will all the companies by name.
- You can download this card's data by clicking the cloud with a downward arrow.

- Lists the companies.
- Clicking on the company it will list their resources URLs and the number of views for each resource.
- You can download this card's data by clicking the cloud with a downward arrow.

Exhibitor Room Visits
- Lists the companies and the number of visitors.
- Clicking on the company it will list the distinct attendees that visited the exhibitors video chat room.
Exhibitor Meetings
- Lists the companies and the number of meetings booked.
Unique Visitors Per Day
- Displays total number of unique exhibitors per day.
- Download the Graph by clicking the down arrow about the graph
- Download the data by clicking the downward arrow
above the data.
- This is a breakdown of your minimercial playback data.
- Click More
- View the Number of ads completed and skipped
- Download the Graph by clicking the down arrow about the graph
- You can download this card's data by clicking the cloud with a downward arrow.

- Below see a breakdown for each of the ads.
Social Posts & Q&A
- Click More
Sessions with Social Posts
- Displays a list of session names and the total number of Social posts on that session
- You can download this card's data by clicking the cloud with a downward arrow.

Sessions with QNA (Q&A)
Displays a list of session names and the total number of questions asked in the Q&A tool for that session.
Click on the arrow beside the session name to see the question and the person that asked it.
You can download this card's data by clicking the cloud with a downward arrow. 
Social Posts
Displays a table of person that wrote the post, the message and the number of likes.
Clicking on the arrow beside the author's name you can see the list of people that liked the message.
You can download this card's data by clicking the cloud with a downward arrow. 
Networking Lounge Visitors
- Click More
Attendees Engages in a Networking Lounge Meeting
- Lists attendees that participated in the networking lounges
- You can download this card's data by clicking the cloud with a downward arrow.

Networking Lounge Room Visitors
- Lists networking lounge names and the total number of visitors in that lounge for the date range selected.
- Clicking the arrow beside the lounge name will list the attendees that entered the lounge.
- You can download this card's data by clicking the cloud with a downward arrow.

Office Hour Attendees
- Lists all attendees that entered office hours.
- You can download this card's data by clicking the cloud with a downward arrow.

- Click More
- Lists users the number of unique conversations they engaged in.
Banner Ad Views - The total number of times users have viewed the banner ad.
- Click More
Cumulative Banner Ads
- Lists the Ad Name, Ad type (Medium), # of views, and # of clicks
- You can download this card's data by clicking the cloud with a downward arrow.

Lobby Banner Ads
- Lists the banner ad name, # of views, and # of clicks
- You can download this card's data by clicking the cloud with a downward arrow.

- Session Banner Ads
- Lists the banner ads located in sessions, # of views, and # of clicks.
- You can download this card's data by clicking the cloud with a downward arrow.

- Click More
- Select the session title from the dropdown
- Click Export Session Poll Responses by User to download the session's polling data
- Click the arrow next to the Poll's question
- See the answers, percentage of the responses and total count per option.
Presentation Ratings
- Click More
Sessions with Ratings
- View a table with the presentation title, total votes, average rating and the session type
- You can download this card's data by clicking the cloud with a downward arrow.

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